Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

My name is Kolomona Myer. There’s nothing really special about me, I’m just a guy who is in love with the concepts of freedom and liberty. I’m also a bit frustrated to see my freedoms consistently eroded and I would like to find a peaceful way to reverse that process. I’m hoping projects like Libreterra, Libresults, and Libreducate will help.

What is Libreterra, the project?

The Libreterra project is my attempt to better understand how a Libertarian / Anarchist / Voluntaryist (LAV) society could actually work.

It’s also an attempt to show the world that a LAV society is not only possible but actually superior to the systems of government that we have tried throughout history.

What is Libreterra, the world?

The world of Libreterra is a fictious place. A virgin land full of resources, opportunities and risks. A new world, stripped of all the baggage of the past. It’s a place where humankind can begin anew and create a fully free self governed society with no rulers.

I have plans to create a backstory for Libreterra I will place a link to it here when I do.

What is Ark?

Ark – Survival Evolved” is an open world survival game created by Studio Wildcard.

Ark’s websites:

Is Libreterra a Player vs. Player (PVP) game?

The short answer is No

The Libreterra server will have PVP enabled because that’s more like how the real world is and after all we’re trying to model the real world as much as practical.

The Libreterra project is all about the Non Aggression Principle (NAP) which is non violent by nature so PVP type behavior is antithetical to our purpose.

What happens if I attack other inhabitants?

Then they would be within their rights to extract justice from you in accordance with the NAP

Does Libreterra cost anything?

You must purchase Ark in order to be an inhabitant of Libreterra.

Libreterra doesn’t cost inhabitants money to participate. I fully intend to keep it that way for as long as possible. Obviously donations are greatly appreciated as it does cost time and money to keep the various servers online.

How can I donate to Libreterra?

I don’t know yet, when I do I will update this.

Why must I agree to a contract (code of conduct) before I can use Libreterra?

Just because there are no rulers doesn’t mean there are no rules. Think of Libreterra as my house. In order to remain in my house I expect you to respect my property, myself and abide by my house rules. If you choose not to honor myself, my property or my rules than I would be obliged to extricate you from my premises.

If someone aggresses upon my Libreterra inhabitant (Libreterrian) will you ban them?

The short answer is no but maybe. The reasoning behind this is that in the real world we must learn how to deal with scoundrels. It must be so detrimental to an inhabitant to aggress upon someone that it’s just not worth their time. Ideally the inhabitants will create internal competing justice systems to handle such offenses. This is precisely why this project was created, to solve problems like this.

I or an admin may ban someone for directly attacking the project itself. These offenses need to be determined but may include things like: actively cheating, DNS attacks, hacking the projects properties etc.

What information do you collect?

At the moment none. When that changes I will update this.

With whom do you share the information that you collect?

At the moment no one. When that changes I will update this.

What is the difference between Liberty and Freedom?

Most people use the words interchangeably, which is fine by me.

Definitions I like are as follows:

Liberty happens inside your head. You are free to think however you choose. You always have liberty, it cannot be taken away from you. (I guess possibly it could if you are brain damaged or drugged)

Freedom happens outside your head. You are free to do anything until someone or something stops you.

What is Anarchism, Libertarianism and Voluntaryism and what are their differences?

In short they are pretty much the same thing. They are based on the fact that you have a natural right to own and control private property. From that right a surprising simple and elegant system of living emerges where in which it is possible to live in peace with your fellow human.

This is a big topic more suited for smarter people than me. I recommend reading the book “For a New Liberty” by Murray M Rothbard

It’s a great place to start